syria art
- Partly the artist himself produces his colours with natural materials he finds outside. Sometimes straw or sand, mixed into the colours, gives the surface of his paintings a lively structure. It is one special remembrance of his childhood that gave Hamid this idea: Every summer his father was mending the damages of the farmhouse with a pulp of loam, which Hamid and his brothers and sisters made by mixing loamy soil and water with their naked feet. -
(Added: 26-Mar-2005) [Rate It]
الموسيقار حسين سبسبي OUD Husain Sabsaby
- العود موسيقى للحياة
كل ما أعلمه
أن هذه الصفحة ليست ككل الصفحات
بها أضع أحاسيسي المتناثرة
في أعماق قلبي
و أجمع شملها لأجعلها تنبت أنغاما
و تنبت حباً وأمل
عبر أوتاري المتواضعة
وعودي العجوز -
(Added: 23-Mar-2004) [Rate It]